One of the most common issues with Mazda RX8 is moisture in the tail lights. In most cases its caused by the gaskets in between the tail lights and the body, they wear out and cause the Mazda rx8 tail light to fill up with water
One of the easiest and the cheapest option is to replace the gaskets, this can easily be done and will save you a lot of money.
We have set of genuine Mazda Rx8 taillight gasket set in stock and can ship out anywhere in New Zealand. Don’t waste your money replacing RX8 taillights when you can just replace the water seal gaskets for fraction of the cost.
Product :
- Genuine RH RX8 Taillight Gasket
- Genuine LH RX8 Taillight Gasket
We currently have plenty of Genuine Mazda RX8 Tail light Gasket Set in stock and can ship anywhere in New Zealand.
Shipping cost: $7.00
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